You might be a WinterCamper if…..-

We all heard Jeff Foxworthy’s routine, “You might be a Redneck if…”. made their own version of this theme.

You might be a WinterCamper if……When friends ask if you “want to do something this weekend”, it usually involves freezing temperatures and snowshoes.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have a closet or a whole room dedicated to gear storage.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Cooking breakfast utilizes boiling water and Ziploc freezer bags.

You might be a WinterCamper if……More than 50% of your wardrobe is wicking.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Someone at work mentions gaiters and you are the only one that doesn’t immediately think of the animal.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have caught an article of clothing on fire over an open flame more than once.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You like to go winter camping to catch up on your sleep.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have seen all the Survivor Man shows.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your dog is experienced enough not to step on your snowshoes or skis and has their own backpack.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You can expound upon the differences between various synthetic insulation.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your watch does more things than just tell time.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You’ve skipped work or school because there was fresh snow.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You weigh your backpack before leaving the house.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your collective camping gear costs more than your first car did.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your iPod playlist includes a heavy rotation of SnowPatrol and Coldplay

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have tried to make your own pulk.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You own seasonal gear such as down booties, and insulated overpants.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You own an over-sized backpack you use just for winter.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your winter vacations are spent in the Adirondacks and not in the Bahamas.

You might be a WinterCamper if……All your vacation pictures have the color white in them.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have woken up to have it snowing inside your tent.

You might be a WinterCamper if……When choosing a hat you pick one that would also be good to sleep in.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have tried to sleep while listening to the sound of trees popping and prodigious snoring.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Drop seat long underwear make sense to you.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your non winter camping friends think you are crazy.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Wearing layers has become an art form.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You don’t find the word crampon funny…or maybe you do.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have walked at least a mile in frozen boots.

You might be a WinterCamper if……You have broken off “snotcicles” before you snack.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your gloves come with a nose wipe.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Your tent accommodates a stove pipe.

You might be a WinterCamper if……Most of your sleeping bags have -/negative before the description.

You might be a WinterCamper if……When people cringe at the weather forecast you get excited!

You might be a WinterCamper if……You get excited about losing electrical power during the winter because it provides an excuse to pull out the winter gear.

You might be a WinterCamper if…… if you buy snowshoes for your spouse at Christmas in hopes they will come with you, but for some reason they don’t seem to be interested.

You might be a WinterCamper if……if your gloves all have burn marks, or holes melted in the fingers.

You might be a WinterCamper if……you consider 15 degrees F to be comfortable weather.

You might be a WinterCamper if……you look forward to winter!

You might be a WinterCamper if……worry about sweating when it is 10 degrees outside.

You might be a WinterCamper if……you hear a brutal weather report and the idea to sleep outside and test some equipment rolls thru your mind.

You might be a WinterCamper if……you have ever slept with a rock or hot water bottle..

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