I have a survival kit that I take on canoe trips and some adventures. On our latest winter camping venture we got talking about doing a ‘survival overnight’. The idea would be to camp out overnight with minimal gear. How minimal was the topic of most of the discussion. Doing the trip somewhere safe where someone could bail out if necessary was another discussion.
A starting point for an overnight survival kit would probably include most of these items.
A water tight plastic Ovaltine bottle to store 16 items.
- Four fire starters: box matches, a Bic lighter, Fire Steel fire starter and matches with an emery board in a pill prescription bottle.
- Two fire tinder sources: cotton balls swabbed with Vaseline and WetFire tablets.
- Alcohol hand cleaner (can also serve as fire starter)
- Iodine water treatment tablets
- Micro cordage
- A Leatherman Squirt multi-tool
- A whistle
- Compass
- Toilet paper
- Aluminum foil
- Emergency poncho
- Emergency space blanket
Everything fits inside the bottle and stays dry.
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June 4th, 2016 | Tags: survival, wilderness survival | Category: Winter Camping