I didn’t buy much winter camping gear this year but the one purchase I made has been a pleasant surprise. The Columbia Kazoo Hat has become my regular snowshoeing and winter camping hat. The fleece lined hat provides a baseball cap style brim with long ear flaps. Since I routinely wear glasses the brim is useful not only for shade but also to help keep snow and moisture off my glasses. It has to be a serious wind blast to make me employ the hook and loop closure. I usually wear the ear flaps loose as the hat fits securely. The long ear flaps keep my ears and neck warm even in a strong wind. The feature I like the most is the ability to temperature control. Unlike a beanie or watch cap the hat can be adjusted to provide more ventilation. As things warm up the ear flaps can be fastened across the back of the hat and gradually raised towards the top of the hat exposing my neck and head as it morphes into a baseball cap. The hat easily packs in a coat pocket, and it is surprisingly light weight for being so warm. I got my hat at the local sporting goods store but a web search revealed a variety of sources including Campmor, Cabelas, Dicks Sporting Goods, Amazon with cost ranging from $12-15. Worthwhile at the price.